Stay True, Do Whatever You Can Do
Heavier Trip: Road To Wacken (2024)
Turo, Lotvonen, Oula and Xytrax are back on it again. After their „Heavy Trip“ in 2019, they have a new mission and are still hunting the dream of the big stage. So Impaled Rektum set out again, and bring their Symphonic Postapocalyptic Reindeer Grinding Christ Abusing Extreme War Pagan Fennoscandian Metal onto the screen once more.
Film makers Juuso Laatio and Jukka Vidgren took their time, to create the sequel „Heavier Trip“ about the fictional characters they say they have grown to love themselves. It is not necessary to know part one, that took the band from Finland to Norway. They are still under arrest on an island, that looks like Alcatraz, on which they placed the Lukiškės Prison 2.0.
This setting, that reminds of the „Pappi puhuu“ video by Kotiteollisuus is only the initial point for another international adventure. After a spectacular jailbreak during a riot, Impaled Rektum this time want to play at Wacken, to rescue the farm of Lotvonen’s family. But before, they need to prove themselves in Vilnius.
To get there, they take the ferry from Helsinki to Tallinn. Every spot is well chosen, authentic and exciting to keep the local color like in the first movie. Even though it grew, so the final was actually shot at Wacken Open Air 2023, that recently was honored with an own series and crime novel.
Co-founder Thomas Jensen has a guest appearance like the band Babymetal. ‚True‘ metalfans like Xytrax have an antipathy for both, Babymetal and Wacken, as it is an ‚over-commercialised festival for wannabe metalheads‘. Again, the writers include many jokes on the scene like naming a reporter Dirk Schneider or Lotvonen’s worship for Dave Mustaine.
With slapstick, charm and horror borrowings, Impaled Rektum not only fight the evil label boss Mr. Fisto played by Anatole Tauman („Quantum of Solace“). The search for the perfect solo brings up „The Pick Of Destiny“, and the soundtrack by Mika Lammassaari bangs that head that doesn’t bang. Finally the performances manage to truly capture the Metal live energy.