Blood For Blood (Single 2020)

Kill Frenzy

Thrash Metal


A man from Central Europe takes you around the world: Vlad promotes Heavy and Thrash Metal from his home country like Tassack, the North like Soulwound, the South like Demonik and the real South, more precise from Mother City in South Africa.

Cape Town is famous for the Table Mountain and the smaller Lions Head, Signal Hill and Devils Peak amongst other things. And it brought forth the band Kill Frenzy. They have been active for a while, documented in videos at Metal 4 Africa’s WinterFest (SummerFest’21 soon ONLINE) and the Rock the Nation festival. And they are organizing concerts on their own and share the stage with bands from Botswana and Mozambique like Hora Vitrum or locals Khõja and Ethyl Ether.

Stories like this can be found on phenomenal AudioInferno, which talks acts like Odious, Loharano and Overthrust as well. Now Kill Frenzy has recently released two singles already: “Aggravated Assault” which will be part of the EP “No Gods Have Mercy” as they write and “Controlled”. With “Blood For Blood”, they decided to raise awareness of a major struggle and “ongoing epidemic”: the South African farm attacks.

The song was not intended for this use beforehand. That is why the band makes clear, that the anger, violence and hatred in their music is no call for bloodshed (as it was tried to claim in “Bowling For Columbine” and Marylin Manson). Instead, they display pictures of the terrifying events in videos for the song. You see Nelson Mandela, signs saying “End The Cycle Of Violence”, “Stop The Killing” and “Where Am I Save?”

Numbers they provide are “3811 dead since 2011”, “1.24 attacks per day 2019” and “every 7.6 days a farmer is murdered”, including descriptions of the events. The single cover shows the Witkruis Monument on Ysterberg outside Polokwane. Musically, the song is catchy, with a Metalleatoresque intro and rich and voluminous singing. From the fast verse, the pace slows down to a midtempo chorus and headbanging ending before a choral outro.

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