Blackened Death in the earl’ Mornin’
Exclusive Live Stream Event! Harry B James Rock Club, Stockholm, Sweden 20200321
Saturday after the first week of regulations. For 11 am already, a Swedish Blackened Death institution announced a live stream show. Black Metal with a black coffee waiting in front of a black screen at first or maybe Death Metal for lunch could be a title for this first concert of the day.
Later during this day, e.g. Fokis and Kreiml & Samurai are about to perform as well. But Necrophobic, formed back in ’89 makes the beginning. Already their debut “The Nocturnal Silence” was a blast. Therefor the band is connected to Dark Funeral, Dismember, Watain and influenced by Bathory.
For this special occation, like the Dropkick Murphys, they sell a limited shirt. The stream was set to be on Twitch, where people from all around the world, Norway, Chile, Russia, were waiting and one solicits Dark Blasphemic Records. Due to technical difficulties, it then started on Facebook in Black Metal style: reduced with a mobile in portrait format and with about five hundred viewers.
“There’s some coronavirus in the system so we have to do it the cheap way”, Anders jokes. Even though some tell it is not their time of the day, when a band is in full gear and motivated, not even the quality will harm the pleasure: “We get to see this awesome band live, so I’m going to enjoy it”, one viewer claims. Although for a non-metalhead it might look weird seeing one headbang to a mobile video. But songs like “Blinded By Light, Enlightened By Darkness” from the marvellous “Hrimthursum” and the final “Revelation 666” plus great guitar parts are just a perfect start in another day of quarantine.
With this motivation, this rainy Saturday just got the right groove, continuing with Ayyur, Chang Ffos and 1349. Thanks to the #NecrophobicExclusiveLiveStreamEvent.