Space Dust Obsession (Album 2025)

SAM feat. SYN

Space Blues Electric Ambient Drone Psychedelic Noise 

In the beginning, storytellers were the ones to pass on history to future generations. Today, the written word like „The Storyteller“ by Dave Grohl is only one medium, next to social media, movies, and not to forget music. 

Since „Organic Faith“, Sam released another solo album „BAD“ and the feature with his son Syn on midi keys entitled „Signs“, like earlier records with Lindey Lindstorm on vocals. Years after „Nawiedzony Dom“, it should not be the last one. With „Space Dust Obsession“, the duo submits the next album consisting of two over twenty minutes tracks. 

On the cover by FranSoto (, an astronaut seems kind of lost, drifting away, as hands are reaching out, probably to save the person. So the picture already tells a similar story to the music, as Sam and Syn instrument the destiny of a spacetraveller who has lost connection and flies into the unkown with his broken rocket. 

Due to the view and later hypnotized, he remains happy on what is a journey with no return. Kind of similar fates were described in movies like „Passengers“, „The Martian“ or M. Night Shyamalan’sAfter Earth“. They have a certain fascination and tension. Sam and Syn adapt this to their work in another way. 

To reach a cosmic feeling, they create a kind of Fuzz of effects and noises with the guitar and midi keyboards. The sound design of an old Lucky Luke game comes to one’s mind. Set in the desert, The Rubber Snake Chamers are a reference as well. Then again, the space setting applies with „Wall-E“, touching with reverb and delay. 

As the connection during the last minutes of „Mayday Mayday“, the ECG is cut as well. The soft guitar in the title track is like an awakening. It is like opening the „Jester’s Door“ by In Flames with Dr. Space. Rising to an even danceable rhythm, the rocket breaks adrift at the end: ‚dazed but happy‘.