Selling Snakes On Willhaben And Meet The Burgermasseur
Scheibsta’s Rap Up Show
Presented by Spoon Agency, Rabenhof Theater Wien, Austria 20250227
In Vienna, public transport does not only take you to your destination safely. U-Bahn-Star Salena brightens up the way with her version of „Wicked Game“ from David Lynchs „Wild At Heart“ and covered by Ville Valo, that Sun State Of Mind have in their repertoire too. It is the night of the opera ball, where Die Botschatn were the counter-event last year.
This time, we head to Rabenhof Theater, where Maschek, Haderer and Andreas Vitasek appear and Stefanie Sargnagel presents her show „Opernball“. Also Scheibsta’s track „Opernsänger“ comes to one’s mind. Philipp and Philipp took the fm4 Rap Ups on the very stage one year ago and on tour this February. With the input from the audience, they create improvised Freestyle tunes on the fly.
The huge comedy portion like Dave was awarded at the Ö1 Hörspielgala 2019. So the laughters are there from the beginning, as the two enter in their white suits and with confetti. Scheibsta immediately takes advantage of empty seats to sit down directly with the fans and sing an intro song.
As he wants to explain the concept, the telephone rings: Roberta wants to run away with him to a ‚Klosterinternat‘ (monastery boarding school). To do so, they have to get rid of the toilette with the snake via willhaben. Topics, he will resume later again. For the next tune, they record three people for free records like the „peoplEP“ (Duzz Down San).
A tincture, the Neutor in Salzburg and a owl are part of this gloomy story. „Es is eh scho Wurscht“ featuring Lukas Resetarits is the only not-improvised track of the evening. More input they take from books like the Lustiges Taschenbuch. Then they do a fun call with Tom Turbo, to ask about his tricks and where he lives.
As ‚Gitareur‘, Scheibsta learned chords from likes of RHCP and with Rolling Stones influence, they create a song about the ‚Burgermasseur‘. Finally, they put all notes, the guests could take before the show, in one encore, ending another fantastic Rap Up show.