Mundartpunk Forever (Album 2021)

Glue Crew

Punkrock, Ska, Austropop, Reggae

Regional dialects have been part of Austrian music for a long time. The Austropop stars like Georg Danzer, STS and Wolfgang Ambros started what e.g. Die Botschatn continued. Today you find dialect in all genres, in Hip Hop from Phil Fin and linksabbiegA, Pop like Dominik Gassner and Philipp Lingg (former hmbc) and Rock like Ewig Frost or Changó.

The Salzburg Dialect Punk heroes Glue Crew now have their new album “Mundartpunk Forever” out. Before, they published a split 7” with Checking Line from Finland, “Straight Outta Pongau” with hits like “Rudolfskai” and the debut “Two On Glue”. Their home is SBÄM, like it is for The Devil’s Rejects, Sam Chalcraft and Rebell Bagatell, with whom they will be seen at Pirates Days.

With HRST on decks, they celebrated the release of the record online, because it is music that is made to party. Just like the opening title track, that has the charm of a summerly get-together at a bonfire like with Legs No Shoes, with “dirty fingernails” and “holes in the trousers”. The Ska rhythm helps the wish to dance, like on a sunny afternoon at a festival to Guadalajara.

Like Die Ärzte in “Super Drei”, the three seem to present themselves in “Geniale Dilettanten” as well. The good mood goes on with trumpet and trombone and a Rap part by Amun Mcee in “Sommerhit”, before the band deals with an everday problem in “Zweite Kassa bitte”. With “King of the Pongau”, they deliver a phenomenal Manu Chao cover that is big fun.

In “Manda”, Glue Crew takes a stand against patriarchy. In “Groupies” as well as in the final track their sound gets a bit rougher. Another important topic they sing about are shows, which they hope the young generation will continue to organise and they have tips for: “’DIY or die’ and shit on the profit”. The fun on this record is real, as the impulse the lyrics give.