Night Of The Cult

Imha Tarikat, Ante Inferno

Full Moon Haiku Tour 2024 at Viper Room Vienna, Austria 20241210

Sometimes things go not exactly as planned. That applies to concert and can make it difficult for organisers. But in the end it can be worth as a visitor to not sell one’s ticket but go there anyway. Like this Tuesday, as headliner Worm unfortunately left the tour, and the support had to cancel as well due to health reasons.

Only few hours before the show, Endonomos have to announce the sad news but point out the next possibilities to catch them live around at Metal Fields and STP Metalweekend. So before the only remaining original band of the line-up starts, fake blood can be found on the washbasin and gloomy sounds float through the tunnel. 

Dantes Inferno without ‚D‘ and ‚s‘, thus Ante-Inferno are a blessing in DSBM from the UK supported by Reaper Agency (Fortress Festival) and Vendetta Records. With sceleton wings on their backdrop, they have a laugh before they immerse into their beautiful dark art. 

One highlight is the opener „The Cavernous Blackness of Night“ from their new third full-length „Death’s Soliloquy“ and „Nightmares of the Eschaton“. In all this shredding, exquisit melodies can be found and rhythms to bang with. Which brings us to Imha Tarikat (Prophecy Productions) from Germany, who jumped in for Worm. 

In some way, the ‚cult of extermination‘ reminds of Truchło Strzygi. They toast with the audience and hug each other, as their energetic Extreme Metal way unleashes power and joy. Once again, it is only a very small crowd, but that is also what makes this night so cosy and friendly. 

The merchandise table is generously set, and posters and program brochure announce the upcoming Blutgott, Lemmy memorial and birthday, Küenring with Wildhunt, Beyond This Rift, Transmission – The Sound of Joy Division, Suicidal Angels and many more.