Confront the daily setbacks with anesthetic means


Look Left Tour presented by Mind Over Matter Music, ((szene)) Wien, Austria 20231124

Rough weather accompanies the way to a show of rough sounds and riffs. While at RKH, Noise Appeal celebrates its 20th anniversary ones more with Phal:Angst, IDDD occupy the 1bm and at ((szene)), Mind Over Matter Music presents a Heavy Rock sensation from New York City that has been around over thirty years. 

Back in 2014, Helmet came to Rockhouse Salzburg to replay „Betty“. In 2017, they presented their latest album at the time „Dead to the World“. And this year, they are back again with the only two-weeks-old record „Left“ and their „Look Left Tour“ (not „This Left Feels Right“ like the compilation of Bon Jovi, who can actually be heard while waiting for the band to begin). 

‚The fans age with their bands‘ someone tells while queueing to get in. And truly, it has been sometime since Jürgen Benvenuti wrote that Page Hamilton screams that someone be better dead. Nevertheless, you almost shudder as Helmet begin their set on point and on full volume making your heart stop and blowing you to the wall in the back. 

Bad News“ they fit into the set like several new ones but personal highlight is the great climax of „Driving Nowhere“ from „Aftertaste“. Even though of course the „Meantime“ hits „Ironhead“ and „Unsung“ as well as a Black Sabbath-cover are amazing too.. basically like the whole show.

Helmet are a riff might and Page Hamilton is a character who creates songs on point with a fantastic sound somewhere between Metal and Grunge. In German he tells that Vienna is his favorite city and that it is „toll, supertoll“. Whether he is serious or not, for sure many are wishing that they return soon again. For another night of great Alternative Metal guitars and screams to never forget why you love that band so much.. before Iceberg calls.