Decide To Celebrate The Heavy Way
Master, King Parrot, Catastrofear
40th Anniversary Tour & 22nd Escape Birthday Bash, Escape Metalcorner Vienna, Austria 20250307
Sometimes the hardest decisions have to be made spontaneously. Shortly before work is finished, it is clear, we won’t be on time for the Punkrock Escalation with Here For A Reason, Rebell Bagatell and more. And so the way leads to Escape, celebrating its 22nd birthday this weekend already.
Every year, the live club invites exclusive acts for this occasion like Bömbers or Carpathian Forest before. This first evening is all about Death, Thrash and Grindcore. Catastrofear have been in the scene (and at ((szene))) for quite some time and serve as starter.
Their dedicated show beckons more and more fans to the basement, turning on the „Sick Brain“. Then hailing form Australia, King Parrot follow. They are currently touring with Pantera and make a step visit to bring their grind down to this intimate club show.
With songs from „Bite Your Head Off“ and more like „Disgrace Yourself“ and „Target Pig Elite“, they win over the crow, hitting the microphone against the head and borrowing the glasses of a guest. Throwing water to the audience, they get it back, and they invite the younger generation, to join the front row.
US / CZ headliners Master shared the stage with Catastrofear in Fischamend already. Fourty years and still going strong, the were covered by likes of Napalm Death and celebrate their anniversary with the EP „40 Years And Killing“. Live, they are a massive wall of Death Metal music like Obituary or Daksinroy.
Songs like „Re-Entry and Destruction“ and „Slaves to Society“ are all a metalhead’s heart could be longing for. Flyers announce one of their summer stops Ranger Rock and Break Out Open Air with likes of Humiliation and Hamferð. In the meantime Escape continues their feast with Liquid Steel and the year with more highlights like Grim Justice, Planet Of Zeus, Fessus, Irdorath, Darkfall, Incantation and more..