Where The Part Of The Story Ends
Buchpräsentation: „Günther. Giftler, Gammler, Plattensammler“
Zusatztermin mit Andi Appel, Roman Beisser & Andi Lechner Live, Arena Wien – Kleine Halle, Austria 20230622
At the very place, where the story ends so far, the author of an extraordinary interesting biography set down with a guest and a live musician for a presentation. And because the first date was sold out so quickly, this is already the extra show.
Musical guests from Great Rift, Musicjunky Bookings, Bloodshed666 Records and Die Böslinge, who are even part of the story, take a seat on the beer benches at Arena. Readings like from Michael Köhlmeier or at Denkmal always were fascinating, yet this one is special. Writer Andi Appel reads alternating with Roman Beisser, accompanied by Andi Lechner of The Ghost And The Machine on guitar.
Andi Appel is the former publisher of StarkStrom magazine and organizer of Reading Rock at Tunnel. After publishing „Keine Gnade“, over ten interviews with Günther and Doris build the basis for „Günther. Giftler, Gammler, Plattensammler“. Riffs from the Rolling Stones, Troggs and Jimi Hendrix give even more weight to the words, and to illustrate a drug trip, Andi Lechner uses a bow on his strings.
He has learned to play the guitar the hard way, taking lessons with Karl Ratzer, who is part of the book as well. After a break, they start with a newspaper article about an after show of the Stones at 10er Marie with a potshot to Lindemann. Also record stores have an important role in the life of Günther, what makes think of still existing ones like Diabolo Records or Musikladen Feldkirch.
Günther finally found his home at Arena, while „Ace Of Spades“ and „I Wanna Be Your Dog“ are among the last riffs. The man himself takes a bow at the end on stage and spins the tunes as DJ Richmond Slut after. His biography not only gives an insight in his personality and makes laugh. It shows part of Vienna’s history and venues like the Metropol similar to „Harter Stoff“. And the presentation at Arena is just as fitting as it can be.