We love Glue
Glue Crew, Bonjourtropfen, Irokäse
„Kleben und kleben lassen“ Album Release Show, Kramladen Wien, Austria 20231114
„Tonight Is Fine“ Danko Jones sang back in 2010. This Friday night is fine for concerts. Vandans support We Blame The Empire, in St. Pölten the Spritzweinmafia is on, at Na Nang Club the Generation Pop 3, at Escape the Black Metal Invasion and the DeeCRACKS celebrate their 20th anniversary with a two-days festival. Nevertheless, we head to Kramladen for another Punk album release celebration.
It starts with Irokäse and a Bob Marley intro leading to straight Skate Punk talking mainly about skating and beer like their „Sk8er Boi“-cover. As they ask how many of the audience skate, there’s only one, and more are about drinking. So one person has to drink a beer bong before „Speibsau“, kind of similar to „Vü zvü Promü“. Like the main act, they have a song about the second cash desk and the day after they can be seen together with Woke.
The drummer then changes his role because up next are Bonjourtropfen and he is the frontman. They shared the stage e.g. with Vulvarine and soon with Metternich. Their set includes many highlights like „Verdient“, „Dei Meinung“ and „I hab die gern“. The moving heads even pump up the energy of the show. Getting to an end, „Scherbenhaufen“ and the Nena cover „99 Dosenbier“ fulfill this second Punk spectacle.
As part of their album release tour, Glue Crew return to Vienna after performing with Mindblind earlier this year. Out via SBÄM, the party started with a prelistening session at Academy and a sold out Rockhouse. Also they put out several music videos like „Nie wieder jung“, and live, especially „La Famiglia“ stands out. Apart from new tracks, they include for example „Manda“ of „Mundartpunk Forever“, and at a point, El Fetzn does a stage dive. Like this, they underline their status as up and coming Mundartpunk stars.