Halloween Hellraisers

Enclave, Eruption, Veil Of Deception, Titan Killer

Unhallowed Thrash Bash 2017, Escape Vienna, Austria 20171024


Halloween, the night of horror. Special parties and other concerts to spite, the probably best place to spend this night is the Escape. Not only decorated nicely with sausages looking like cut off fingers, the line-up is convincing as well.

The Unhallowed Thrash Bash makes the name all honour. Even though first it starts of with awesome Heavy Metal coming from the warriors of Titan Killer. Nice name and logo, but most of all great music and performance. Apart from that the “Hellraiser” cover with Rainer from the headliners of course is a highlight too.

The high fun level goes on with Veil Of Deception. Their professional appearance and their tight riffing are getting one away immediately. The whipping vocals of Daniel Gallar are stoking, that he names Iron Maiden as one of his favourite bands and wears a D.R.I. shirt seems to come down in his style and motivation to get all the audience involved.

Third one to take advantage of the very nice sound in the Escape that night are Eruption. The motivation is not getting less, neither the speed, and so the heads are flying in all directions. Their music proofs that they list Death Angel as a band that they like, fast, but with twists and this special ingredient, that makes it even bit more than “just” pure Thrash.

Of course not that there is something bad about it. Headliners and local matadors Enclave rush in like e.g. Gama Bomb, completing this wonderful line-up. With a lot of attitude, their tracks like “When Hell Freezes Over” or “Command Of The Blade” get the pit going. Obviously the mood could not be better, on stage as well as in front of. And so whatever other Halloween events might bait with, there could not be a better place that night than the Escape.