Two special cloverleafs

Killah Tofu, Kendler

Chelsea Vienna, Austria 2018017


The Chelsea is a great venue for all kinds of concerts and to watch sports. And on this Wednesday, while the guys are running on the green on the screens playing soccer, in the well-filled hall two bands perform their very special form of free jazz.

For the start, the boys from the Kendlerstraße in Ottakring Kendler hit the stage. Three new songs they brought with them. One is their opener that maybe rocks even the most. But of course that is hard to tell, because for example the thundering bass of “Brave New World” can’t be forgotten either and Aaron Hader probably is the hardest rocking Saxophonist anyway. Even though he’s sick, he delivers a great show. Martin Burk on bass is the friendly guy, telling that he made a video for “Karma”, that is “not even that good, but it is a video”. With the great Treasureman on drums, the cloverleaf is completed.

The second cloverleaf consists of Aaron Steiner (also StadtLand MC) on Keys and Synth, Michael Naphegyi (Rosi Spezial) on drums and Joachim Huber on bass: Killah Tofu. Their sound is a bit calmer, with less standard beats but not less aslant melodies. That they don’t take themselves too serious, they show with the adding of weird effects. And that they really have fun doing this, is simply nice to see. Their comically aspect they also present in their videos, what makes them a total work of art. They don’t have much to tell, only the fact that Michael since this day has an Instagram account, but is not happy with the camera of his mobile. Apart from that, they let their music speak. And that is a great thing, because their “Jazzpfunk” they finally laid down in their debut record “Do The Pump” is a great experience for sure.