Highly Suspect & Calva Louise at Arena Scream and point the middle finger at the whole world Highly Suspect, Calva Louise MCID UK and European Tour 2019/2020… 8. March 2020 Steäm Machine
Napalm Death, Eyehategod, Misery Index, Rotten Sound, Bat at Arena Fundamentals and Influences Napalm Death, Eyehategod, Misery Index, Rotten Sound, Bat Campaign For Musical Destruction Tour 2020 presented by MAD… 12. February 202018. February 2020 Steäm Machine
Stoned Jesus, The Devil and The Almighty Blues, Somali Yacht Club at Arena Melding The Blues And Heaviness Stoned Jesus, The Devil And The Almighty Blues, Somali Yacht Club SOL Sonic Ride Tour… 27. November 201927. November 2019 Steäm Machine