The most beautiful Christmas present
gab&gal, Philipp Spiegl
„Fifty – Fuchgze“ Album Release at Spielboden Kantine Dornbirn, Austria 20231228
It is the Christmas season, that brings back several music events. Mose has its appearance at Jöslar, Twangmen at Schrottrock and at the same time, the Chybulski Jamsession is held as the Lemmy Memörial. And before the Puma Orchestra Pre-New Year’s party with DuoLia., another band invites to the Spielboden Kantine like they did before.
As the live music would disturb the screening of „Yuku et la fleur de l’Himalaya“, the concert starts with a little delay. Philipp Spiegl has opened the evening before already. After his album „Be My Redeemer“, he wrote a book and new songs like „Love Letters“, telling stories from the year he travelled through Europe after he quit his job ( – ‚woo!‘) or illegaly camping at the Brno Reservoir and listening to wolfs – from the zoo.
For „Garden of Endings“, he won the Sound@V but performs another melancholic one instead. The warm sound of this Fender paired with his characterful voice are his trademarks. Similar like the acoustic Crafter and voice of gab from gab&gal. They just supported Rosi Spezial at Graf Hugo and now present their third album „Fifty – Fuchzge“, announced with an interview on
After a Foo Fighters song during the changeover, they like to start with a strong intro and ‚chapter one‘ of the record, that is English. „June“, „Happier One“ and „Responsible“ are personal highlights of this first part. Then they continue with the new dialect tracks like „Lässig“, „Zit zruckdreha“ that is a kind of ‚thank you‘ to the parents for a sheltered childhood and „Bisch des würkli du“.
The final best of-block features „London Town“, „Time Is Relative“ and „Alone In This“, where all hold up their mobile lights. And as even the bar crew spends applause, the joy can be seen in every single face including the five musicians on stage.