Mo FX kick it back

Mengers, T.R.A.S.H.

Europe + UK Tour 2024 presented by dazed & confused shows, Annibale and Brain Productions Booking at Kramladen Wien, Austria 20240604

Experimental Psych. Words that simply scream dazed & confused shows. No surprise, the posters of this night displays the organizers behind the Dragged Into Bliss festival or evenings with Black Salvation or Sinsemillian. At Kramladen, where you can spend Gürtel Connection or simply have a drink, two artists are about to infect your brain. 

T.R.A.S.H. stands for No Wave Kraut Punk. Sounds and noises, voices and saxophone. From a distorted carpet and piercing rhythm, a melody flows. It is this kind of crazy electronic one-man-show like Lando. Hard to write about, better to see and hear. „Gimme Some Time“ echoes with the light rags and all of the sudden – it’s gone.

But just to make place for the Garage Art Punks Mengers from Mexico City. They start easy, but then the drums hit steady like a whiplash and the riot is perfect. Distortions jump into your face like the feet on the ground in the subway arch. The four brought their new album „Vs. Progreso Nacional“ with them, out only on vinyl. 

The returning bass line of „Réplica“ from „i/O“ is a highlight, even though it counts to the calmer songs in the set, next to others from their debut. For Mengers, it is the last fistful of shows of an extended European tour, continuing at Budapest. Despite the travelling, they call up tremendous energy or maybe summon it with their music. 

It is also the sound to digest the tacos from Los Mexikas before. This scrunching power reminds of Swedish Death Candy, Austin TV or King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard, for whom Mengers opened already. Yet they are even more Punk and Koentraire is out to capture the action. And after, self-designed shirts and the posters are available.