Vazum – V+ V+ (Album 2021) VAZUM Deathgaze Detroit is known for example for being home for Rap-star Eminem and Axel Foley, Eddie… 28. July 20219. January 2022 Steäm Machine
Ben Blutzukker – Metalhead Metalhead (Single 2021) Ben Blutzukker Brick Metal The genre of (Heavy) Metal provides a wide freedom, as numerous subgenres show.… 30. June 202130. June 2021 Steäm Machine
Earthset – L’Uomo Meccanico L’Uomo Meccanico (LP 2020) Earthset Alt-Rock / Psychedelic There are big names in film music like Vladimir Cosma, Martin Böttcher,… 22. July 202031. March 2021 Steäm Machine
Solaris – Un Paese di musichette mentre fuori c’è la morte Un Paese di musichette mentre fuori c’è la morte (LP 2020) Solaris Post-Rock, Noise In Northern Italy, not too… 1. July 20202. July 2020 Steäm Machine
Flight Of Eden – Dante’s Inferno Dante’s Inferno (EP 2020) Flight Of Eden Progressive Metal From where once Nirvana recorded one of their most renowned live… 8. April 20208. April 2020 Steäm Machine
Nathan Towne of Blind Melon – Live Acoustic Session + Q&A Making People Realize Life Ain’t Just Bad Nathan Towne of Blind Melon Live Acoustic Session + Q&A, Michigan 20200403 … 4. April 20205. April 2020 Steäm Machine
Chilli Shot, DizzRoxx, Trittiko, Bioglycerin, In Delirium at Escape Living in the basement, Rockin’ ‘til we’re gone Chilli Shot, DizzRoxx, Trittiko, Bioglycerin, In Delirium Rock of the Escape presented… 12. January 202017. January 2020 Steäm Machine
Raketkanon & Ozymandias at Arena Contemplative Church and Synth Sounds Raketkanon, Ozymandias Final Club Tour, Arena Wien – Kleine Halle, Austria 20191210 While especially… 11. December 201912. December 2019 Steäm Machine
I’m A Sloth, The Black Bones, Carousals – Live at Cafe Carina Carrying on the heritage I’m A Sloth, The Black Bones, Carousals Café Carina, Vienna, Austria 2017-06-02 Friday night, time… 4. June 20176. June 2017 Steäm Machine
gab&gal – Aurora Aurora (2016) gab&gal Indie, Rock, Pop Der junge Vorarlberger Singer-Songwriter Gab schreibt seit jeher seine eigenen Songs, und fand dank… 1. March 20162. July 2018 Steäm Machine